Monday, September 21, 2009

A Year Ago Today: THE CALL

It was a year ago today that we got "THE CALL". We had no idea it was coming, we'd started that day like any other day.... (written on September 28th, 2008 a few days after bringing Josie home):

The previous day (actually, Josie's birth day) we had hosted the neighborhood block party, it was a great time lots of people, house a mess... hadn't slept well for days b/c I was so busy getting ready for it. Party was great, knew that on Sunday we would have all day to relax. We're big bike riders, but this summer we had really slacked - so was saw it fitting, on the last day of Summer, to take a nice long bike ride - for us, that means 30 miles. So, off we went, beautiful day. About 22 miles into the bike ride, I'm b*tching and moaning about how I'm out of water, I'm hot, sweaty... we were out of shape from not doing a long ride this summer, etc... When all of the sudden, Ed's cell phone rings. That's highly unusual for the weekend. So we stop, I don't think anything at first, but then Ed gets off his bike and I walk over to him. I hear a woman on the phone, talking loudly and quick. (My heart is racing just thinking about it) My ear is up against Ed's, and I hear - baby born yesterday HOW QUICK CAN WE GET TO THE HOSPITAL?!?! I start crying, saying "oh my God!" and we're standing off the side of the road, in the middle of NO WHERE. Literally, in the middle of a corn field. We were still 10 miles from home on our bikes, and the hospital was almost 2 hours away. So we immediately got on our bikes, peddled as fast as we could to get home as quickly as possible, at the same time, frantically calling my neighbor/friend to come and get us RIGHT NOW!

We peddled at mach 10, my heart racing, tears running down my face… until our friend found us and rushed us home. We RAN into the showers, packed a few things (we had no idea if we would be spending the night there or what) and raced out the door. It was a calm ride to the hospital, believe it or not. A lot of happy but nervous talk about how this might be our baby girl (we wouldn't know for sure until the next day...), about how we might want to seriously start talking about names... and just happy to be on our way!

Upon arrival at the hospital we met this sweet little peanut, her cubby little face, and a full head of hair. We cuddled her and loved her to pieces, and left the hospital that night already falling in love and not even knowing she was ours yet... but we had a good feeling.

Ed holding Josie for the first time

to be continued...

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