Tuesday, September 15, 2009

At the Beach

On Sunday, Ed and Josie tagged along with me to the Dunes for a family photoshoot I had that afternoon. I thought it a good idea to have them tag along and have fun at the beach. Josie has actually not played in the sand yet, so this was a good chance to break her in.

We set up our picnic blanket and plopped her down with a few toys, and would you believe, she would crawl to the edge, feel the sand and crawl back to the middle of the blanket. We thought this was PERFECT! It contained her and kept her mess free :) Well, I went off to do my photos for the family... and I come back to find this!!! Dad couldn't resist getting Josie more acclimated to the sand and sure enough, she ended up having a good ole time (dad dug a hole big enough to put Josie it ;)) putting sand in her hair, down her shirt and into her mouth. When we got home to take a shower - her diaper was full of sand ;)

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