Thursday, August 9, 2012


The NICU. Here we are. We always knew the high likelihood of having to spend time here, but it's still not easy. While the doctors can not yet tell us how long we'll be here, we do know that our girls are considered "growers and feeders". But that doesn't mean they don't still need help. 
Alivia, day 1
On the Sunday my water broke, the doctors quickly administered steroids for their lungs, and magnesium for their brains... and that had given them the boost they needed for the best possible outcome if they decided to arrive sooner that we had planned.

Alivia, day 1
 Although we were hoping to make it until my 34 week date (I was on the schedule to be induced) the fact they surprised us and come a few days earlier than that was still ok.  We knew they were big for their gestational age and hoped that would work in our favor.

Annalise, day 1
 From the start, they did not need oxygen and were breathing room air.  They both started with feeding tubes, but so far all their feedings have been by bottle and that's a great milestone. Now they need to continue to up their feeds day after day, and with that we hope the other issues they're having will resolve themselves as time passes.

Annalise, day 2
We have an amazing team of doctors and exceptionally caring nurses that put us at ease and let us know everything is going well.  Today I head up to the hospital to spend the day cuddling them, and this weekend we hope to make it a family trip and bring Josie along to spend the day too!  


  1. Your girls are just beautiful!

  2. such gorgeous girls! let me know if there is anything i can do to help.
