Monday, May 13, 2013

Our Mother's Day

I'm starting to realize Mother's day is almost as good as a birthday.   

Alise :)
Only now as a mom do I see how great it is to spoil and celebrate other mom's, for this is one tough job! My girls and Ed surprised me with new charms for my bracelet and a Mother's day lunch with my extended family before cake and ice cream in the late afternoon with our extended family to celebrate some other birthdays. I did not get to sleep in, I still had diapers to change and bums to wipe, my house still got dirty and there was still plenty of whining and crying to go around.  Someday I'll get that relaxing carefree day... but not yet. 

Same time last year I was still laying in bed all day, nauseous, worried... and here we are now, mom to three and hands fuller than ever.  I should have taken more pictures of the day, but this is about all we got out of it, not a single "perfect" picture by some standards... but if you were to hodgepodge them all together, they tell a good story...

And make me laugh because this pretty much sums it up.

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