Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Saturday

Our Saturday... oh so nice.

With the exception of Josie teething and running a temp.

Ed treated me to home alone time this morning (of which I spent washing bedding, switching out winter clothes for summer and cleaning the house). It was nice to get down to work and accomplish so much without any distractions. When Ed and jj got home, we headed out to look at a new car for Ed (looks promising, we'll make a decision this weekend) and to my and jj's surprise, dad had a trip to the zoo and walk along the beach planned for our afternoon.

Of course I would have brought the camera, had I known we were going. However, it was rather freeing not to have to tote it around and just enjoy ourselves. Josie loves the animals and it was such a delight to see her face light up with each new exhibit. It was great to see her having a good time after having a rough morning with her teeth. Our our way home, we stopped at a favorite restaurant with outdoor seating to enjoy the beautiful afternoon.

We could tell the day, and the teething, was wearing on Josie though. Her temp was still high and she was very tired. She went down for a late nap. and awoke still warm to the touch. Thankfully, I had a new box of popsicles in the freezer (lucky girl, got TWO popsicles tonight!) and outside we went to cool off for a bit.

mmm... could eat these toes. I love 'em.

Suffice to say, the popsicles were a big hit. After a much needed bath, a little more Tylenol, and off to bed she happily went.

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