Tuesday, April 20, 2010

19 Months Old

I love that we're starting to feel like Summer around here. I had plans to try a new recipe today and needed a few things at the grocery store, so to treat Josie for being good in the store, we stopped by the park on our way home. I love that we find new places to go and have fun now that the weather is warm. We still have some work to do in teaching her the rules of the playground (like sitting not standing to go down the slide ;)) but we still have lots of fun on the swings and climbings a few of the smaller jungle gyms.

I made yet another batch of cake pops today, mostly because they're such a Josie friendly food... not healthwise, entertainment wise :) Probably my best batch yet, chocolate dipped in mint coating... yum. Josie calls them "cake cakes". I think she's trying to say cupcake, but "cake cakes" are just as good.

We love when dad gets home at the end of the day because she's so excited to see him and they usually run outside and see what's going on. Tonight Pops was out doing stuff at the new house, so of course the duo rode on over to check it all out.

With the sun out later and the warm weather, we lose track of time and before we know it it's bath time and off to bed. Oh, and our new LCD was delivered today... Josie broke the old TV by pressing the power button too many times. Apparently "You're gonna break it!" wasn't just an empty threat, she really did! ;) But yahoo for a new tv. Power button is far from jj's reach!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't great that summer is on it's way!

    I've seen the cake pops on Bakerella's website, but I don't know how to make the "pop" part. Do you use a mold?

