Friday, March 13, 2009

Is it terrible...

That I think this photo is adorable? More adorable than say, the exact photo, one shot before with a smile? She fell asleep only moments later in my arms...aawww...

I'm always a big complainer when time changes (forward or back), I hate the disruption in my schedule and the sudden stark black mornings, but the pleasant surprise now is the beautiful afternoon sun that streams through my studio window until at least 6:30 - creating the most optimal flood of natural light perfect for photos! This added window of time in the afternoon is also a slower part of out day that's easier to sit down and play!


  1. not awful at all because I too think it is absolutely adorable!! MAN, she was mad at you, eh?! ;)

  2. OMGosh Kate....I so ADORE this photo, so I guess that makes me purty awful too eh? :-P
