Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Homemade Baby Food

I snatched up this book well over a year ago, before Josie was a part of our lives... knowing I'd of course give baby food making a try. Our first "go" at it was this past weekend and I'm so thrilled with how easy and quick it was to make, and certainly a cost savings when comparing buying a bag of frozen peas to several jars of baby food to equal the same volume!

I simply steamed the entire bag of frozen peas for about 5 minutes in a small pan with a steamer insert. Let the peas cool slightly before pureeing in my mini food processor. I had to add a little cooking liquid to get the right consistency - but that was it!

I used food freezer trays to freeze the majority of the veggies, but also filled a few containers for the fridge to use up over the next few days. Nothing can compare to the beautiful bright green of fresh peas! And frozen carrots look almost as tasty as a popsicle, too bad they aren't! The best part is knowing the food Josie is eating is the freshest and healthiest possible and made with love :)

Oh, and everything taste better on cute spoons :) A lovely gift from a dear friend that make me smile all the time...

1 comment:

  1. i used the book petit appetit and still do - love it. and i had those food trays too. enjoy the making process - it's so much fun! i can't imagine how much money i saved.
