Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Warrior

Let me just say, if anyone's thinking of adding crown molding to their house - take a hard look at your patience and frustration tolerance levels. Especially if there's a toddler in the mix too. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, and after only an hour or two in we were both ready to call in the professionals.

We had been warned it was no small task, but surely a my hydrogen engineer super whiz husband could figure it out, or so I thought! After all, we practically built this house from ground up, surely no trim was going to take us down. It definitely took two brains, immeasurable amounts of patience and a little pep talk from my dad to keep us motivated and not to quit after the first 3 hours of failed attempts. Fast forward to Sunday, we were buzzing along and things are definitely looking up. Most valuable tool of the weekend - post it notes! #1 to keep track of wall studs, and #2 amazing entertainment factor for previously mentioned toddler.

We went to bed Saturday night frustrated and feeling defeated by crown molding, but Sunday gave us renewed hope and I'm beyond pleased with the results thus far. It's no small task, but we're well on our way and one more thing we can check off our life experience list: Survive and master crown molding!


  1. look at that sweet little chickie in her bears shirt! i think watching the game with her and C would add quite the entertainment value. all day yesterday she was yelling "touchdown bears!"

  2. Ugh, crown molding. I would definitely not want to tackle that job because I know I would probably kill my DH before we were done. I dread simply replacing the wonky moulding around one door in one apartment.
