Friday, January 2, 2009

Photo 2/365 Unbelievable Cuteness

My photo of the day:

Josie is rolling over in a second flat these days, always rolling towards the left. The difference in the last few days is how amazingly strong her arms and neck are, she looks up each time to see who's watching her!

Check out that smile! So proud of herself :) Cecilie... check out the socks!


  1. These pictures are SO cute, Kate! Can I just say that if you haven't already bought Basic Grey's Bittersweet do it - it will be perfect for these lovely pink pictures. And I did see the socks ;o)

    Let me know if you have an excess of Joise-pics waiting to be scrapped.

  2. SO SO cute!! I just love the series of photos of her rolling over and that amazing smile!!!
