Friday, November 7, 2008

Busy Week

It sure has been busy around here this week. Seems like we've been running out just about every day - which has been fun! We went to the bank yesterday and opened Josie her own bank account, have had a few successful trips to the grocery store, and even spent that 70 degree day out at the outlet mall strolling around. The Carter's outlet has the most amazing deals, and Josie is in need of bigger jammies. We walked out with a handful of cute jammies, but alas, I tried them on her and she just swims in them. She's very much between N and 0-3 sizes, darn it ;) I'd love her to be a little peanut forever, but her little bum keeps popping out of her N outfits...hahaha... so once she gets a little bigger she'll stop swimming in the next size up. We also went for a ride into the office this week, all my friends and coworkers have been begging to meet Josie. It was so much fun having her meet everyone. They thought she was ADORABLE, and I couldn't agree more. We even had a chance to weigh her (on our highly calibrated analytical scales ;)) and she weighed almost 11lbs with a clean diaper, onsie and socks! I'd guestimate that means she's right around 10lbs, yet still doesn't quite fit into the next size clothes.

In just the last few days, we've noticed many goo's and gaa's coming from Josie and we laugh every time. Speaking of laughing, J laughs all the time in her sleep. Last night she was in her swing and laughing, smiling and LAUGHING so much that the swing was bouncing up and down. I love a girl that loves to laugh :)

I think that's about it. This weekend Addision is getting baptized, so we'll be going to her celebration tomorrow. Ed is obsessed with getting all the leaves off the grass, so I know Josie and I will have fun watching him from inside the house. I've always been very hands on working in the yard, it's a welcomed change of pace that I have other (more fun) obligations keeping me from yard chores this year!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You wonder what they're thinking about when a newborn laughs like that!
