Friday, August 5, 2011

Slice of Life: Weekday Morning

A weekday, two girls home alone - I particularly love the calm and quiet of the house on these mornings.   I wake around 6:45am by the sound of Josie's bedroom door closing (she always closes it behind her as she comes down),  and then I wait for it.  The sound of her little feet coming down the stairs, through the living room and into my room.  I lay with my eyes closed and listen as she pauses to see that I'm there.  She's a monkey, climbs up the foot of the bed (our bed is too tall otherwise), flops over the rail and climbs up next to me.  She says "mama, tickle my back" as she crawls under the covers and puts her thumb in her mouth.

And so, I tickle her back (which is actually a back rub, but that's what she says...).  I ask her "who is my favorite girl?" She says, "Me, Josie!" I ask "Did you have sweet dreams last night?" and she nods and smiles, all the while, thumb in the mouth.  It's perfect.   

And on this particular morning, she rolled over and saw my iPad on the nightstand. We grabbed it and "colored" Angelina Ballerina (great iPad app, btw) for a little while before I realized I need a picture.  It's rare that I think to grab the camera so early in the morning, before the lighting is just right, or without thoughtfully planning the shot. I'm happy the camera was close by with a memory card ready to shoot - a rarity.  Our slice of life for the week.


  1. So sweet! I would love to wake up to that little cutie.

  2. I love that you documented this sweet everyday occurence. You'll be so happy that you did!
