What is it about Target, for the millionth time, that makes it such a money pit? I wasn't even going to buy anything, just killing time before another store opened. Even as I walked in, I said to myself what a terrible idea this was.
I have a slight love affair going on with peacock blue these days, and the first bottle I spy on the shelf is the same color I'd love to paint something, anything, in my house. I walk out 45 minutes later with not one or two, but 4 or 5 - maybe 6 bottles of Essie nail polish.
And for the majority that do not care about nail polish, I'm in love with the girl that saw my peacock blue toenails and said she wanted them too! I can't believe I tried this inside the house (it's usually a back porch hot sunny day activity) ... but luck was 95% on our side tonight and she sat still long enough for them to dry. For the most part.
They're cute. Really cute.