Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hey Cupcake!

I know, it's been forever since my last post. Things have actually really for real been crazy around here, and not in a good way. We went right from my birthday into a weekend of a stomach bug. We now realize Josie was the carrier, after one night of her having a bug (of which I didn't think anything more of than an upset stomach b/c she was fine before and after) Ed and I both came home early from work and spent the rest of the night and weekend in misery. Lucky for us (not so lucky for Mimi), we were able get through the major part of it all with the help of Mimi taking Josie for the night. Poor Mimi, Josie gave it to her too... so sorry!

Just as we were starting to feel like ourselves again, Ed and I thought it a great weekend (last weekend, the 30th) to brush up on our skiing again before our Alaska trip. Grandma J came to play with Josie as Ed and I trekked up to Bittersweet in MI for the day. The slopes were lovely, fresh REAL snow, easy beginner trails for Ed and we were excited for a great day. Sadly, the day ended abruptly, or I should say with a pop of my knee. It wasn't pretty to say the least. This has been a week of worry and anxiety as I wait to find out the true extent of the damage, all the while hobbling around on one good leg and one braced and wobbly other. It's been ER visit, followed by Ortho visit, then an MRI... and tomorrow I'll finally have some answers. I'm forever hopeful my ACL is intact and we maybe I'm lucky enough to have torn another ligament of lesser importance = less invasive surgery and rehab. Sigh. I'm done wallowing in self pity and ready to accept whatever it happens to be...

SO, in the mean time, I finally got the willpower to hobble around and get a few photos of JJ today. Nothing exciting, but knew I had to get my act together and get shooting again! We had a quiet day at home and last minute I decided chocolate cupcakes were a good idea. JJ loves chocolate, but chocolate cupcakes are a lot messier than I anticipated...we'll stick to chocolate chip cookies next time :)

In all the craziness, JJ turned 16 months old and has a few updates. We had a doc visit, a month late for her 15 month... and even still, her head size measured in the <3% percentile and her weight hasn't budged since her last appointment - weighing in at 23 lbs. She's clearly more active and a much pickier eater, so doc wasn't too concerned. I've been working hard to keep her menu new and interesting to keep her taste buds exploring, but we sure do stick to some basics like grilled colby jack cheese on whole wheat, fresh moz cheese, tomatos, yogurt and bananas most days. Speaking of cupcakes, that's one of her latest words, along with mom, shoe, okay, yes (and no ;)), and a few more that escape me right now. Our favorite laughing time usually revolves around, "what does an owl say" "hoooo hoooo", always gets a good laugh, and of course the lion's "roooooaaaarrr". Josie roars pretty good herself too, oh, and ruff ruff she knows every time!

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