Monday, October 15, 2012

2 months old

Our 2 month mark has come and gone, and while my computer got a refresh (thanks Dad!)... these pictures are just now getting caught up.  Things have already changed so much, but at two months these two were still eating every three hours around the clock and really wearing us out, in the most wonderful of ways, of course.

annalise 2 mo
Both girls have been sleeping in their cribs at night since the first week home (but now at 11 weeks, we're trying new sleeping arrangements).  It's a cozy little spot in our house that operation twin care takes place.  Our doctor visit has them weighing in at 8lb13oz (alivia) and 8lb15oz (annalise).  If measured against the growth curve of a 2 month old, both girls are in the low single digit percentiles - but when compared to their adjusted age (2 weeks) they're right up in the 70th on all accounts.  We're right on track! They're bursting out of newborn diapers, but I bought such a giant box of them... I refuse to let them go to waste. 

annalise 2 mo
As the weights keep going up, it's more and more clear that Annalise has a rounder head than Alivia, and the stork bites on their foreheads are still clearly present and uniquely each their own.  I've been listening to see if I can tell one cry from the other, but those are still indistinguishable. 

alivia 2 mo
We've been trying to come up with a number as to how much more work we think twins are over singletons.  It's not double when you consider you're doing most of the work already.  We think it's 1.something, but it's definitely not double - and thus having two to love is over the moon amazing, unless it's 3 am and I'm going on zero sleep.  Then, of course, everything seems magnified 10x! 

alivia 2 mo
And it's not that they're difficult babies - they're not! They're really easy going and still sleep quite a bit... but in terms of simple time management, it gets overwhelming washing bottles, clothes and changing diapers on what seems to be an endless cycle.  Not to mention having a 4 yr old to entertain too! Finding time for myself has never been more important than now. I'm so thankful to have my mom living so close and even staying the night with me once in a while.  Without that, I'd really be a cabin fever mess! 

Josie is a great big sister, but we really need to look into getting her volume button fixed.  There's loud, and then there's JOSIE LOUD, The babies tend to sleep right through the noise, thanfully! It's me that needs some quiet once in a while.

Going into our 3rd month, Ed and I have started a divide and conquer method for the nights (one baby upstairs with me and one downstairs with dad) - and without jinxing myself, the last few nights our sleep has exponentially grown.  Be it a factor of keeping them separate as to not wake each other, or merely eating more during the day... we're not sure yet.  But when you go from 3 hours between feeding to 4 and 5... that's like winning the lottery!  As the parent, when you're only listening for one baby to wake, vs two... it's a much more restful and relaxed sleep. 


  1. I'm so glad that everyone is doing so well! The babies have really grown. Annalise, Alivia,and Josie are so cute!

  2. What a great idea! Divide and conquer seems like the only way to survive. The girls are beautiful. All of them. Keep up that good mommy work!!!

  3. I am so happy for you! Your girls are beautiful.
