Thursday, September 15, 2011

another family picnic

Our family picnic was moved back a few weeks this year, and honestly - cooking out and playing bozo buckets is a lot more fun when it isn't 100 degrees and humid.  The cooler temps made for a completely great day :)

It's a good time where we all get to hang out, catch up, eat a lot of food, and enjoy desserts galore.  Josie's at the age where she'll run off and play with the rest of them for a good while, so it's a treat to get to relax for a while.

Not everyone was there, one brother missing, wondering how I can superimpose him in this image because I think it's a great one of my clan. 

At the end of the day, everyone starts to breakdown however.  Even though it was a cooler day, too much candy, no nap, too much running around, and filthy from head to toe called for a good soaking in the tub and early bedtime that night.   

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