Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Zoo Day

The zoo made our itinerary for the holiday weekend. The babies' first trip! Actually, Dad took a free day from work and we went on Tuesday.  It was like our own private zoo day... only a few other people there.

This particular zoo is a rather sad state of affairs, but it serves well for being close to home, inexpensive, small yet with variety.   Josie was pretty happy feeding the goats.  I kept hand sanitizer close by. Yuck, if you ask me.

Alivia and Annalise voiced no opinion either way on anything at the zoo ;).  I think they were happy for the change of scenery for the day.

In fact, even when face to face with a goat - Annalise didn't even seem to notice the strage creature before her. I would have thought I'd get some reaction, given how excited they by our cats.

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