Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a reinactment of actual events: the Crib Climb

With Ed out of town on business last night, I made sure the house was closed up tight, cats accounted for (they sleep in the basement at night), and everything just so before heading to sleep last night.  I even took some cold meds, for extra measure, and knew I'd sleep great.  Josie and I played all night, she's finally over her cold - and I knew it was going to be a good nights rest for the both of us.

But what to my wondering eyes do I find at my bedside at 1:05 am?  To my absolute shock and amazement - there stood Josie. In the middle of the night. In the dark. Standing next to my bed trying to crawl in. In my cold-medicine-middle-of-the-night-haze, I was dumbfounded as to how she ended up there.  It has been months since her "once" suspected crib climb, but no other explanation!  But what made her do it in the middle of the night, come all the way down stairs and to find me?  I'm still perplexed by it all. 

I'm afraid it's true, however, she's mastered the art of crib climbing - I asked her to reinact the events for me this morning.  It's plenty clear, this won't be the last time!


  1. oh. my.

    i think i would've screamed.

    looks like the big girl bed might be making an appearance soon?

  2. Time for a real bed.

  3. Oh dear... what a little scoundrel, sneaking out of her crib. The absolute JOY on her face is so obvious though! What a BIG girl!!
