Thursday, January 13, 2011

Well, crap...

she can climb out of her crib! I majorly jinxed myself by buying a new big girl bed. It was an incredible end of year clearance from Room and Board. I was really hoping for a good 6 more months of confinement!!!!

But on the up side, this super duper cute bed is arriving tomorrow... I'm in the mood for painting and redecorating so the fun has begun. I'm still planning on giving her a few more months in the crib, unless the climbing out becomes a problem. I'm sort of hoping it's a fluke that she figured it out once ;)


  1. My BIL kept moving the mattress down to prevent the climbing out and finally gave up. It was sure a lot easier to babysit when when I could put the girls in their cribs and shut the door. ;)

  2. ahhhh! i'm hoping that mine stays confined for the next few months as i adore her behind bars where she can't get into as much trouble. :)

  3. We moved Shelby to a toddler bed at 17 months and it has been wonderful! BUT if you are wanting to keep JOsie in her crib, I have a tip. Does the crib have a high back or a higher back than the front? If it does turn the crib around so that the front is now to the wall and the back is now the "front" does that make sense?
