Saturday, November 27, 2010

Crayons = Happy!

We went from a vacation to Vegas, into Thanksgiving, and as of today our house is completely decorated for Christmas. It's been a crazy two weeks but I think things are going to get back to normal.

So today's been a day of cleanup and toddler entertainment amongst the boxes of Christmas stuff everywhere. A little something making me happy today...imagine my delight when I found these toddler "triangle" shaped crayons... they don't roll off the table!!! Brilliant! I can't tell you how often cries of "help, red CRAAAYONNN!" at the tragic loss of a crayon from rolling onto the floor. These are keepers.

and off I go to make lunch of leftover Thanksgiving dinner... still good even on the third day.

1 comment:

  1. what a great concept - crayons that don't roll! Josie always looks so happy, Kate! :)
