Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pink Car

A big surprise for all of us came in a big box from Uncle Tim. I had no idea there was such a creature as an entry level Power Wheels! I asked Ed where the seatbelt was, and he said "it only goes 2.5 mph!" ;) I didn't even know this was something we would have wanted until I saw JJ hop right in and give it a whirl. A big part of me thinks kids should ride bikes, not motorized cars - but I've become a softie and this this car is a keeper. I laughed my butt off for a good 10 minutes watching her give it gas, then stop, gas, stop, gas stop. Funny stuff.

This shot in particular you can see her pony tail taken back by the initial step on the gas... makes me laugh.

It's all we hear when we step in the garage "PINK car! PINKKKK car!". Money well spent :)


  1. Awesome! She looks absolutely delighted with it! Now I want a pink car!

  2. lol well she looks like she LOVES it and there will be many many years of bike riding so a little Power Wheels fun is ok if you ask me! ;) In fact, I wish they made them in my size!! lol

  3. So cute! You can tell how excited she was to drive her new car :)
