Sunday, August 16, 2009

With More Confidence...

With each step she's getting a little more sure of the next. It's amazing how each day she's adding a few more steps and a whole lot more confidence as she goes. We're so proud :) Walking at 10 months and 2 weeks.

This next photo is what I hope to be a regular series of watching her grow from year to year.

And that means we're already looking forward to the big O N E coming up much much sooner than we hoped, but are excited to greet this milestone and see what's next. We've been practicing with Josie, "who's going to be ONE???" and we think she's getting pretty close to holding up a 1 each time. Photos to come soon.

In the mean time, we're having a lovely perfect summer weekend. No where to be but right here, enjoying the heat as much as possible... yesterday we went on a 23 mile bike ride, the same exact ride we took the day we got the call that a baby girl was born. We pedaled past the exact spot the phone rang on that day, a little old white farm house. There was an older couple setting up a little road side table selling freshly picked corn - in the EXAXT spot we stood... made us smile and we kept on our journey. Hard to believe we're coming up on one year already!


  1. Oh Kate - this post brought happy tears to my eyes. I remember where I was when I read your post about your baby girl. It IS amazing that Josie will be one soon. The pictures are gorgeous as always.

  2. Beautiful pictures and story about how and where you got the call.

  3. love that photo of her in front of the door. :)
