Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy 10 Months...

to my beautiful baby girl... her sweet cheeks just keep getting sweeter each day and I can't believe we've had 10 months worth already!

We're going to be running around all day today, so it's doubtful I'll get her 10 month official photo in today (hopefully tomorrow) but these will suffice for now...

At 10 months old, Josie is busting out of her size 3 diapers, shoes, and is being squeezed into her 9 month clothes b/c I just haven't gotten enough wears out of the cutest things just yet ;) I suppose I should be happy because this means some shopping is in order, but I'm beginning to learn how to buy more practically with few exceptions if it's to die for cute.

Toys are really getting good use these days, and we're so thankful to find such great bargains at our local Once Upon a Child and our dearest little cousins so generously sharing their once loved toys! The only toy ever to pull her attention away from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is this cool ball coaster - and this morning she was even getting the ball in the chute to send it twirling down!

No new words, lots of "dah dah dah's..." still. Food has become quite the struggle as we have tried for weeks on end to spoon anything into her mouth, it typically becomes quite the battle. I've decided not to worry about it, she'll eat if she's hungry... and at the urging of some loving aunts, we've started with more finger foods and that has relieved this nutrition conscious mom - as Josie really enjoys feeding herself we've discovered. So baby ravolis, greenbeans, cheerios and I can't think what else, but suffice to say it's a welcomed sight to see food actually going in and staying in the mouth. We thought she'd be drinking a bottle until highschool :)

Our 9 month doctors vist had gotten canceled and couldn't be reschedule for an ENTIRE MONTH! Our very busy doctor is going to see us tomorrow, at 10 months +1 day. Not sure how the measurements wil be compared, b/c obviously she's bigger at 10 months than she was at 9. I'm guessing a good 22 lbs at least, we're excited to find out.

Not much else exceptionally new, sleep is great, 7:30 through the night... 3-4 naps per day, no walking yet (but I'm guess first steps by 11 months), she can climb all the way up the stairs (with hands behind her ready to catch if she falls, but she never does), loves her armpits tickled, loves taking a bath, loves Mickey... does NOT LIKE being put in the carseat, bu is fine once strapped in and a pacifier in her mouth... working on mastering the sippy cup :)

1 comment:

  1. Once Upon a Child was one of my favorite stores! :) She is just getting CUTER with each passing day!
