Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Kitty

Can't believe it, but we have a new furry family member - Winkey the kitty.

Our lives crossed late summer, Winkey, his three siblings and their mamma appeared one day on our back porch and hadn't left the neighborhood since. Between the neighbors and us, this family of cats was pretty well taken care of. Life was good.

But come the deep freeze in January, Winkey was sitting on the back porch and I knew something was wrong, with his eye especially. His eye looked like he was winking at us, and almost crusted shut. Shivering and sad looking, I scooped him up and off the the vet we went. A couple hundred dollars later, Winkey was very sick, but on the way home with me to have two weeks worth of antibiotics, eye drops, dewormer - the works. I really didn't want another house cat (we already have 2) and was determined to fix him up and let him back outside to live a happy cat life.

Turns out, he's a pretty great cat. He's the runt of the litter, so he's small and cute. He lets Josie drag him around (although the picture he looks rather annoyed ;)), squeeze him and pet him freely. Josie quickly picked up on Winkey being "her kitty" and thus the end of the story - he's now ours, especially after all the money I spent on him!

I think he knows how lucky he is to have a nice warm spot in our house, and just goes with the flow. It's fun having a kitten around again - so much more playful and interactive than our big chubby duo Emmie and Ernie. To say they're all getting along blissfully would be a lie - they been co-mingling for about 4 days and Emmie is still hissing and giving him a hard time. She's even mad at Ernie, go figure ;)

... and I still can't believe we now have 3 catttts. No no no ;) I give in, it's a big house, it'll be juuuust fine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet

Josie's first big screen experience. While all the schools were in session for President's Day, we thought it a good opportunity to take Josie and have the theater to ourselves for the her first movie. Much to our surprise, the theater was packed!!! Luckily it was all kiddos so we knew any talking, whining or question asking would be understood.

You just never know how your kid is going to react in different situations, and I know not why I presume she'll be difficult - because she continues to surprise us in all instances. We even brought her blankie (which usually doesn't leave the house) as added insurance in case she became restless. Ed carried her in, and at first glance of the big screen, she was no less than mesmerized!

She sat happily through the previews and 80% of the movie. The last stretch was entertained by cheese sticks and rasins, but we made it through to the very end. To us it was a monumental "first" and I think Dad loved it as much as I did! Can't wait for the next kids movies to be released.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pretzel Explosion

Toddler left alone with a bag of pretzel's, on Dad's watch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Over the weekend we finally took a trip to Bellaboo's, an indoor play place for kids. I'd heard a little bit about it, but hadn't had a chance to make it there until now. Nate was in town, so a perfect time to check it out.

We weren't sure what to expect, a glorified "fun flatables" maybe? But we were delighted to see it was nothing of the sort.... room after room of interactive creative play. Lots of room for many kids to roam around and play. We bounced around from waterworks, trains, pizza parlor, grocery store, ball pits and that wasn't even close to everything they offered.

We made a second stop at the waterworks room before we left and Josie sufficiently soaked her clothes, even with a rain smock on! We played for about 3 hours before hitting a wall around nap time. We'll be going back soon, definitely!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We're spending the day telling all our sweeties we love them!

Friday, February 11, 2011

First Haircut

Oh my gosh, so freakin' cute! The bang situation made me nervous, but I'm soooo glad we went for it b/c they're adorable. Kathy is my hairstylst for the last 6 years, so I trusted her judgment on what was going to be easiest and, of course, cutest!

Dad even got off work early to come with us, and to our complete amazement, Josie loved the whole experience! With just a little help from some jelly beans, she sat so good and let the stylist trim away.

JJ's hair actually is quite curly, we evened out the back and even cut a few layers. The end result is darling curls down her back and cute little pixie bangs :) We of course kept a snippet of her cut and got a certificte in recognition of her first haircut. We're so proud she did so well!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ack! Where have we been?

We've consumed our weekends and free days doing projects around the house (crown molding and painting), I blame those projects for my lack of picture taking lately, but I'm trying to make up for it. I've also been working more than usual, so on a day like today that I have nothing to do but play and do domestic things, I'm glad happy the sun is out and shining through for some pictures.

Top on my list yesterday was taking the mirrors down and mixing in these new floatwrap (photos wrapped on foamcore and a 1" block so the "float" on the wall) photos that arrived yesterday. I'm fairly pleased with the outcome :)

I now have two walls of floatwraps complete. And just for fun, here's the other wall that I just painted last week and added in a few new photos.

I also had my little shadow by my side and the light coming in the front door was perfect for these (also very proud ;)),

And now that JJ's down for a nice long nap (let's hope... ) I'm off to wash the floors and get some paint on the most recent batch of crown molding Ed put up. Nate's on his way out for the weekend, so lots of fun stuff in store for us the next few days!


We're going for the first haircut appointment today... I'm nervous. WHY would I cut her beautiful long locks? sighs... It's just out of control and I think it's time for a trim, and *gasp*, bangs.

So here's the before:

I'm going in stocked with suckers and even some cartoons on my phone. Should be interesting :)